What a roller coaster 2020 has been for the entire world!
Agility, thinking in new ways, being innovative, asking the right questions and being comfortable not having all the answers are some of the ways we’ve held out to cope as humanity. While the rest of the world was “smoldering in ashes” in 2020, it has been a break from the exhausting 2019 for me. A sage I know termed it as the principle of relativity!
As I turn 40, it’s a watershed birthday as I step into the second phase of life. They say that life begins at 40…I can’t wait to see what that entails. I’ve had a chance to reflect on several things – life, friendships, relationships, career, travel, what’s important, what’s not, etc. Some advice to my younger self – probably my 25-30-year-old self is as follows:
- God is your Father and friend, and He cares for you deeply – don’t ever walk away from Him for whatever reason.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff. Things do work out eventually.
- Live your life! DO NOT try to be someone else. You are perfect just as you are.
- Chart your own path. Determine what you want, and go for it. Know the risk and prepare.
- Develop healthy boundaries. Learn to say NO without having to justify yourself.
- Make time for what matters – establish for yourself what matters.
- Ask for help and support when needed. You don’t know everything.
- Remember, choices have consequences.
- Be firm, but remain gentle. You are a girl…always will be.
- Bring your own sunshine wherever you go, and do not be afraid to be exceptional!
Young girl, life is for the living…live it!
I didn’t want to do this alone and invited some friends to chime in on what they would tell their younger selves. Read on and follow these amazing people on Instagram ☺. If you’d like to add your advice to this list, email me on charity@charitywanjiku.com
Edmund Mujumba
Dear 25-year-old Ed, My years of experience have led me share this with you: Instagram
- Save a bit of love for yourself, there will be plenty more to give if you give yourself more of it.
- No sense in dwelling over the past or worrying about the future, you have a lot more control over NOW, so focus your energies on that.
- Build relationships that build your character. Personal development comes from honest synergy and those who value this will remain a big part of your life. Build a lasting legacy young Ed!
Natasha Nalyaka Mugwe
Hello 20-year-old Tasha. Looking back…. I would say that nothing is the end of the world. Yes, you didn’t get selected for the job you were hoping for, or you got dumped or you didn’t pass with First Class Honors…., but giiiiiiirl, this is just the beginning, another chance to take 2 or venture into something else. Also don’t be shy! Take it on like the champ you are! Instagram
Anthony K. Kimani
A note to my 30-year-old self. Take risks. Don’t be afraid to go into the unknown – be it a new role in which you may not feel fully qualified, a new country in which you don’t know anyone, or a new relationship. Not knowing is temporary. You may not know everything about your new situation at the outset but remind yourself that whatever it is you don’t know; you simply don’t know it YET. You’ll figure it out soon enough; and rewards will be well worth it. Instagram
Fatema Abbas
Dear 18-year-old Fatema, remember all those people you feared to talk to? Talk to them. We are all unique and at different levels but at the same time we have one common language of kindness, love and laughter. Please start running. Its magic to your mind, body and soul. There were many times you would get a gut feeling inside you and you didn’t listen to it to avoid a situation where you would have to say “no”. Say the “no’s”. Say them to everyone who you felt was in your space not giving you the same energies that you were giving them. Finally, stop being too hard on yourself when you make mistakes. It’s not the end of the world I can guarantee that to you now that I am 30 and the world seems to be going on just fine regardless of all your mistakes. Instagram
Peter Mahinda
Turning 30: D-day is fast approaching! A sinking feeling from deep within coupled with a sense of urgency to indulge (perhaps over-indulge). So much left to do, so little time! Yet, each passing day seems like you are hurtling uncontrollably towards a cliff. Once over the edge, you feel like there will be no return. How can it be? My youth is gone! So many unachieved goals, so little time! Goodness me! I turn 30 this year. What does one expect by the time they get to 30? So much. Stability in all key aspects of life, financial independence, a comfortable life, and the audacity to take the 30s by storm! In hindsight, many of these are a bit unrealistic. Where does one often find themselves once the big 3-0 is around the corner? Financial instability, a career yet to take root, sometimes unstable relationships.
What is in store for you at 30? Amazing energy – Probably the most energetic period of your life is your 30s. You will be able to apply yourself with extraordinary focus to all aspects of your life- professional and social. Wisdom – A good safeguard from some regrettable decision making of your 20s, the benefit of lessons learnt in life. Physical and mental fitness – Being responsible for your own calendar, one can focus on physical and mental health and achieve long outstanding fitness goals. You probably feel more important than you were – well, you are!!! You care less about what people say. Remember to be thankful for the gift of life! Do not take it for granted. Enjoy 3! Embrace it and don’t try to rush anything. Everything falls into place and due to experience, you’re now prepared to appreciate all the good and let go of the bad. Instagram
Letter to my younger self very inspiring
Charity Wanjiku
Thank you so much Emily for taking the time to read.